
POST api/Account/ChangePassword

Allows a registered user to change their password. This API call requires HTTPS and an appropriate authorization token to be provided in the header.

POST api/Account/Register

Allows a user to register a new account. When the account is registered, an email will be sent to the specified address requesting the user follows a link to confirm the account.

POST api/Account/PasswordRecovery

Called to request a password reset. If the specified email address corresponds to a registered user, they will be sent an email, taking them to a website where they can change their password.

POST Token Obtain a login token


GET api/Information/AppVersion

Returns the minimum app version that is supported

GET api/Information/Ingredients

Returns a list of ingredients


The contact controller

POST api/Contact

Send us a message. Requires authorization, as it figures out where to send it based on the email message


A controller to expose a list of the companies. This is used by the company typeahead in the app.

GET api/Company

Return a list of all companies by name

GET api/Company?name={name}

Return a list of all companies, by name, containing the search critera


GET api/Products/{id}?format={format}

Look up an item in the database by barcode, and return relevant information. If the barcode is not found, it will attempt to locate the company, based on the manufacturer id, and return information for that. If neither the product nor company are found, returns 404 (not found).


PUT api/UnknownProducts

Requests that a new item be added to the database. The request will be moderated prior to addition to the database. This API call requires HTTPS and an appropriate authorization token to be provided in the header.